Travel Logistics
Airport Arrival: Everyone is arriving roughly within a half hour of each other between 8:32am and 9:08am, so as long as flights are on time these logistics should be straight forward. There will be two vehicles for the trip, a large SUV that Dane will pick up at the airport and a 15-person van that Elliott will pick up prior to us landing (Elliott is the only player flying in the night before). Dave and Yoke will ride with Dane and we’ll load as many bags as we can in the SUV with the remaining luggage in the van.
On property travel: We will leave for the courses each morning at 7am, which will allow us roughly 35-50mins to warm up prior to the first tee times. Once onsite, we will designate where to meet in the mornings for course departure. There is also a shuttle service onsite, but not intended for larger groups like ours. Therefore, this should only be used when we need to leave someone behind because they’re still bent over the toilet and they are just going to show up at the first tee box. Pick up time for the onsite shuttle service averages 15-20 mins once the call is received.
Airport Departure: Our final round Tuesday is at 8:30am, so you will need to be packed and out of the rooms that morning before the round. After the round, we can clean up, eat lunch and do winner presentations. The earliest departure flight is 7:49pm, so we won’t have rush out like every other year. We will plan to leave Pinehurst around 3:30ish as it’s a two hour drive back to the Charlotte airport.
Trip Briefing
Since all of us are playing in the practice round this year at Tobacco Road, we will do our regular trip briefing sometime before we tee off at 1pm on Friday. This will be where we will discuss the rules, formats, score keeping, $ winnings, any logistic questions and the 2020 trip preview.
Check In
We are staying in the Holly Inn on the Pinehurst property. Two beds in each room. Below is the room list. You will provide credit card details at check-in. When we check out, the amount should be +/- $20 of $1100 depending on taxes. If anyone’s charges are greater than this without making any additional charges to the room, please let me know.
Room 1: Yoke & Dane
Room 2: Dave & Elliott
Room 3: Trey & Jason
Room 4: Chip & Jeremy
Room 5: Mike & Trumbo
Room 6: Rob & Gist
Room 7: Danny & Ike
Room 8: Justin & James
There are 3 breakfasts and 3 dinners included in this year’s package. The first morning (6/1), breakfast is not included, but the remaining morning’s breakfasts will be included. Breakfast (6am-7am) is at the Holly Inn where we are staying or the Carolina Dining Room in the Carolina Hotel. As for dinners, there are no reservations for Saturday night, so we can eat at the Tavern or the Ryder Cup Lounge after play that day. As for Sunday and Monday night, we have 8:30pm reservations for dinner (Sunday night at 1895 Grille and Monday night at the Carolina Dining Room). Both of these places are business casual attire, so please pack accordingly. Here’s the statement about what business casual means from their website.
· Business casual attire is to include collared shirt, casual slacks or denim. No flip flops, tennis shoes or hats, please. Shorts are not permitted to dinner.
Fitness Center / Spa / Pool
The fitness center on property is 24x7, so anyone can join James to work off their hangovers. It is a couple of blocks away from the Holly Inn. The spa hours are 8am-7pm Monday – Saturday or 8am-6pm on Sunday. Because of the golf schedule, the only real time for massages is Sunday after our only round in the morning. If you are not playing Mid Pines and are only playing the cradle, you can try to fit in a massage between 2pm and 4pm if you’re interested and there’s availability. The number to call is 855-235-8507. The pool is located at The Holly Inn, which is where we are staying.
Shipping Clubs
Since we are playing at Tobacco Road that first day, if you are shipping your clubs, you will need to ship them there to arrive by Thursday May 30th. Don’t ship your clubs to Pinehurst as it’s not on the way to Tobacco Road and we will not be stopping at Pinehurst to get anyone’s clubs. If you are looking to ship your clubs home from Pinehurst after we are done playing you can visit:
The full itinerary for the trip and all other details for the trip are on the website at WWW.NEWBIRDGOLF.COM. Again, there will be no printouts this year, so please familiarize yourself with the website if you haven’t already.
See everyone next week!